
Upcoming Events


River Poets -

River Poets will return  to the Bloomsburg Public Library

the first Thursday of the month, September 2024

One Calendar of Poetic Stuff, Information, and Miscellany 

with a nod to some of our friends.

When? - Usually beginning at 7:30 PM on the 1st Thursday of the month

Where? - the Bloomsburg Public Library, Community Room – 2nd floor;


River Poets will follow the event location’s guidelines regarding Covid caution.

The community room is an indoor space.

            At the October reading it is optional bring and wear a mask. However, social distance is encouraged.





Recalling Robert Frost

February 6, 2025 7:30 pm

Mr. Frost will be unable to attend himself, but his words, poems, a bit of biography, and perhaps  a discussion of his importance/place in American (USA) poetry.

It is still winter, so find a cool, cold, or frosty poem to share.

7:30 pm – 9 pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        MC: Danny Robinson

Poets & Artists 2 February 20 to March 29th

February 20, 2025 12:00 pm

Second year show

Artists at Art Space selected 13 poems from 6 River Poets and created art pieces in different media.

Stop in and see the intersection of the inspiration of words and the presentation of the visual in art.

Art Space is open Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays noon to 6 pm and Sundays 12-5 pm


Jim Joline, Irish poems, a white elephant sale, and cake

March 6, 2025 7:30 pm


Theme: Irish Poets & PoetryLast reading of winter, and just a bit until St. Patrick’s Day

The making of the green with a white elephant sale and light winter party.

Likely a chance of cake.




7:30 pm to 9 pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MC: Steven Concert


Nothing at the moment.

Disclaimers and Possible Grains of Truth Department:

Connecting with the RIVER POETS – Still waiting for the world to right itself, our power of ESP has dissipated, so the responsibility rests solely in your hands to make contact with us. You could show up and track us down at any of our events; however, if you are not the stalking type, connect with us by contacting any one of these members:

Mike DeMarco at mdmep@ptd.net or telephone him at (570) 387-0920

 Linda Dietrichson at lindadietrichson@gmail.com

If you are computer friendly and would like to receive reminders of poetry events, please send your email address to Janet Locke at janetmarielocke@gmail.com. Do not forget to mouse click your way to and through our digital home at www.riverpoets.com.

Publication Opportunity – Ours has a catch: you must be heard for you to be seen. Poems submitted for consideration in our booklet must have been read aloud at a River Poets reading between March 20 23 and March 2024. Show up, enunciate, invoke elocution, and then Submit! Submission limit is four typed pages of poems per poet. Your last chance to submit occurs at the March 2024 reading, bring hard copies of poems, or attach to an e-mail (only .odt, .doc, .docx, or .rtf file formats will be accepted) and send to Steven Concert at paperlesspoets@gmail.com with “River Poets submission” in the email subject header & copy to wordrummager@gmail.com.

The plan is for our booklet to be assembled and ready for distribution by the June 2024 reading and you may buy at least one (at a ridiculously low price for these original works). If you miss this year’s booklet deadline (as you are new to the River Poets), there will be future opportunities to submit. There are copies of earlier River Poets booklets if you are curious about River Poets progress, art, and production efforts over time. We know where they are and we are darn proud to be amateurs.

Please understand, we have reached tentatively into this century and continue to explore the junction of space, time, energy, and matter with varying degrees of success.

OTHER THINGS of importance somewhere. Our readings often feature a poet/reader and sometimes a theme; sometimes both a reader and a theme are present, and usually followed by an “open reading opportunity”. Although not strictly rule-bound, we do encourage a 3-poem or 5-minute time constraint on open readers (not open-ended) before we bring out the hook. Mostly we try to avoid having the audience wander away before the teapot makes a circuit or fall off their chairs while sleeping. All people and all works are welcome — bring original items, favorite works, songs, a story, even a complete fabrication or two. River Poets are an encouraging and supportive group of pilgrims, pioneers, and seekers of wisdom. Hopefully you will find us notoriously polite and not too preachy. Honestly!

open reading opportunity® is trademarked, copyrighted, and reserved by the River Poets of Bloomsburg (as far as we know and believe). People may use those words singly or in combination, but we would like some recognition or a citation that River Poets® (also copyrighted) was an early user and promoter of that particular order of letters. Thank You. (FYI — we do not claim these two words as original).

You may obtain similar information (possibly updated, hopefully not outdated) on our web page.

While there, you will find random links to other people, places, and things.

We may be coming soon to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, (check Wikipedia eventually). And yes, we are approachable in person.

THINGS TO KNOW – If you go you will return, so there is time to learn it all.

Please enjoy being here; choose to be happy (no, we can’t do that work for you).
